Phlo Digital Pharmacy has teamed up with Welbot which is an innovative, evidence based corporate workplace wellness platform designed to improve employee health and wellbeing whilst in the office or when working remotely from home.
In the final part of our series with Welbot, we discuss the role of the employer in the “new normal” that is remote work, and provide top tips to protect and promote the wellbeing of your employees.
As societal norms have been upended, the way we work has also changed. In these stressful and anxious times, it is critical that organisations demonstrate that they care about the health and safety of their staff. When this is done well it shows a genuine concern for the welfare of workers. When done poorly, the lack of care shines through.
Your employees’ health is still your responsibility, whether they are working from home or have been furloughed. Organisations should encourage staff to maintain good ergonomic practices and provide the right technology support where possible. Simple steps that should be taken such as guidance on work routines for the home and education/dialogue on how to strike an effective work/life balance can go a long way to assisting your employees.
It is also vitally important that you support your employees’ mental health. These unprecedented, uncertain and worrying circumstances have the potential to create tension and immense concern for your staff. Do your best to understand the range of issues that might arise and develop strategies and measures to help support your colleagues’ mental wellbeing.
What steps can you take as an employer to help your employees look after their mental health in times of remote work? Keep these tips in mind to support the mental wellbeing of your employees at all times.
Despite the strange circumstances and challenges, there are some good things about our current working environment that can be appreciated. Many people will have found themselves with a time windfall, allowing them more hours in the week to do things that previously were pushed to one side. Reading, gaming, playing with kids and catching up with friends and family all have a little more room with no commute and fewer distractions.
Don’t shy away from difficulties your employees face. Where it is possible and appropriate, do what you can to support your employees. Use all the resources available to your organisation to ensure your colleagues feel seen and supported and have as much access to help as they can.
Employers should engage employees in considering how to adapt their business model to maintain operations during the crisis and kick-start their activities again. This can give a sense of purpose that can motivate staff. Many people have found out they can work effectively from home, and more flexible hours and teams may also be possible and afford people the space to perform better.
This crisis will pass and life will return to normal at some point. In the meantime, support your employees as much as possible and keep in mind that circumstances can vary widely. Let your staff know that you care and show your commitment to their mental wellbeing through action.
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