How can you tell if a online pharmacy is safe to use?

February 20, 2020
5 minute read

With the increase in demand for online pharmacies it is vital that patients work with safe and regulatory compliant operators.  Phlo’s Pharmacy Operations Manager Pritesh Dodhia explains what to look out for when assessing whether a digital pharmacy is operating in a safe and legal manner.

1) Is the pharmacy registered and regulated?

All pharmacies in England, Scotland and Wales are regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). An NHS authorised pharmacy will have a verified pharmacy logo with their registration number displayed (see Phlo Digital Pharmacy’s number below). All pharmacies must meet these strict standards and processes demonstrating they can safeguard patients before being allowed to operate.

If you click on the registered pharmacy button it will direct you the GPhC’s website showing the relevant pharmacy details. Phlo (an online digital pharmacy) also recommends searching directly on the GPhC’s website as some websites could take you to pages that mimic the GPhC’s website.

Pharmacies that sell medication online must also have a licence with the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) that provides a registered pharmacy with a licence to sell certain medication through their website. A pharmacy with such a licence will also display this on their website:

Above is Phlo’s verification logo that takes you to the MHRA website where you can see what type of medication a particular pharmacy is authorised to sell online.

2) Are there details of the pharmacy premises on the website?

You should easily be able to find the premises address and contact details should you wish to speak to the pharmacy. The address given should match the pharmacy details provided on the GPhC website.

Scroll to the bottom of this page and you can see the details for Phlo Digital Pharmacy.

3) Are details of the superintendent pharmacist provided?

A superintendent pharmacist is responsible for the provision of a safe pharmacy service and ensuring regulatory compliance. Digital or online pharmacies need to provide details of the superintendent pharmacist on their website including their registration number, this can be double checked on the GPhC website.

At Phlo we take your safety seriously. We carry out an ID check to verify your identity before you can access our service. We also match your details with your unique Summary Care Record (SCR) to see what medications you take, and what allergies you have. This allows us to provide a safe and reliable service each and every time (similar to a 1-2-1 pharmacy but this time it’s at the palm of your hand with our online digital pharmacy). Furthermore, your personal data is protected with strict data handling policies setting industry leading practices to ensure all personal data is safe and secure with Phlo.

Phlo's pharmacy manager, Pritesh Dodhia

If you would like to know more about how digital pharmacies work feel free to get in touch. If you would like to register with Phlo Digital Pharmacy and have your medication delivered directly to your home, click the button below.

Content last reviewed on:
February 20, 2023
Next review date:
February 20, 2025
Further reading
Patient receiving delivery from Phlo

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